Dick Collins Hall, Tenant and Resident Association (Ground floor Kirkfell, Robert St, NW1 3FB)
Join us to connect neighbours as the nights become longer and the weather gets a little colder - anyone is welcome!
A chance to connect to neighbours over a hot drink, some cake and biscuit decorating
Take part in knitting or Christmas decoration workshops and mapping storytelling with Central St Martins
Donate items or take items from our Give or Take spot - clothing and toys - to help local families be more sustainable but also if anyone is finding this time of year difficult or financially pressured.
Book Giveaway - we have new books for all ages and welcome any donations of good condition books
Advice and support from Regent's Park Job Hub, North London Cares and more
Donate to the Calling London Coat Drive with Regent's Place!
If you wish to donate, please ensure items are clean and in good condition -could brighten someone else's day or even be able to be a gift for someone. You can arrange to bring before the event if you wish by contacting Ellie. Any items not taken will be donated to local charity shops or relevant refugee support.