
Community Champions Wednesday Weekly - Regent's Park Estate Copy

Regent's Park
Old Diorama Arts Centre, 201 Drummond Street, NW1 3FE
Join us every Wednesday 5:30pm to meet and catch up with local residents, steer projects happening locally to improve wellbeing, community belonging and safety, discuss leading your own campaign, event or project or just be part of our mini community!

Projects/opportunities at the moment running on Wednesdays-

  • Everton Mews activation (safety and flytipping)
  • Design a space at Old Diorama and community programme of activity
  • organise a monthly social for local residents
  • Guardian's safety programme (looking at ways to make residents feel safer in the area)
  • Organise Regent's Park Community Festival (youth project)
  • Story telling resident story collection and story tree exhibit as part of wider story trail.
  • be part of leading Give and Take days related to unwanted furniture to prevent flytipping and upcycling
  • litter picks and community clean ups wellbeing pop ups in the park
  • AND MORE! You can also lead your own ANYTHING you think will benefit other residents!

We provide snacks and refreshments each meeting.